Grade 0 (R) is a PRE-primary year which prepares children for the 3R's (Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic) of primary school by teaching and developing their pre-reading, pre-writing and pre-numeracy skills.

We prepare your child for the start of primary school and by doing this we help them feel more confident about the big changes that are about to happen and what to expect at their new school.

In preparation for this significant stage, we help your child to develop a love for learning so the move is a joyful and positive one.

Children of this age are able to distinguish make-believe from real-life and make connections and distinctions between feelings, thoughts, and behaviours.

Playing in groups or on-on-one is a quality they will develop and enjoy.

At Horizon Lighthouse, our staff will encourage your child to participate in new activities allowing the growth of each child's  independence.

Teaching the value of individual differences is very important to us as well as helping your child to accept responsibility in a positive and caring way.


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